CONFERENCES (Selection) /
34. “Robots and Unemployment. A Scenario Analysis”,
Third ISA Forum of Sociology – The Futures We Want, University of Vienna, July
10-14, 2016.
33. “Il culto del corpo. Una prospettiva genealogica e
biopolitica”, Fondazione Flavio Beninati, Palermo, 28 maggio 2016.
“Humans and Machines: Four Future
Crisis of Humanity? Humanism, Transhumanism, Posthumanism,
International Symposium at Jesuit
University Ignatianum in Kraków, May 11th, 2016.
31. “The Future of Science. How Global Business and
Internationalized Universities are shaping Scientific Research”,
I Summer School Project
“Global Knowledge in Practice.
Towards Synergy”, Institute of Sociology UJ, Cracow, 27th June 2015.
30. “Presentazione del poeta Stefano Iori”, Giornata
Mondiale della Poesia, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Cracovia, 20 marzo 2015.
Transatlantic Relations. Revisiting the West in the new global disorder.
Centro Militare Studi Strategici,
Fondazione Magna Carta e Centro Studi Americani.
Sala Montezemolo del CASD, 4 dicembre 2014.
28. “European Ideas and Multiplicity of Languages and
Traditions. Homeland, Nation, Fatherland.” The German-Polish Workshop on the
History of Ideas organized by the History of Ideas Research Centre at the
Jagiellonian University in Krakow in Villa Decius & Institute of Sociology.
November 29th – 30th, 2014.
27. “The Power of the powerless revisited. Ukraine–Europe:
Imperative of security. Regime of transformation and pressure of dialogue.
Compelled to use power" - Villa Decius (Cracow, Poland), 24 October 2014. http://villa.org.pl/villa/en/aktualnosci-post/miedzynarodowa-konferencja-sila-bezsilnych-z-rewizyta-23-24-pazdziernika-2014/
26. “Spiel. Fecetten seiner Ideengeschichte”,
International conference organized by Centrum Badań nad Historia Idei and
Europejska Akademia Gier, Institite of Physics UJ, ul. Reymonta 4, sala 055, 30
April 2014.
25. “Spiel. Fecetten seiner Ideengeschichte”,
International conference organized by Polskie
Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne Oddział w Krakowie, Centrum Badań nad Historią Idei UJ
w Willi Decjusza, w Sali Błękitnej, przy ul. 28 lipca 1943 17A, 29 April 2014.
24. “Reinventing Europe”, International Conference
“Europe – Critical Problems”, Villa Decius (Cracow, Poland), 17-18 October
23. “Forum 2000 - The power of the powerless revisited.
International Conference”, Villa Decius (Cracow, Poland), 18 September 2013.
22. “The Problem of Competence in the History of
Interdisciplinary Ideas”, Aims and Methods of the History of Ideas, Villa
Decius (Cracow, Poland), 5-6 September 2013.
21. “Il futurismo dopo il Futurismo”, Ereditŕ e
attualitŕ del futurismo: Convegno internazionale, Centro Culturale Elsa
Morante (Roma, Italia), 11-12 April 2013. < http://futurismoroma2013.blogspot.com >
20. “Le radici culturali dell’idea di potenziamento
umano”, Tomorrow’s People: Stronger, Smarter, Happier, Fairer? I pro e i
contro delle biotecnologie migliorative, Aula Magna del Dipartimento di
Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale dell’Universitŕ degli Studi di
Milano (Milano, Italia), 1st October 2012. <http://www.unimi.it/cataloghi/eventi/20121001_2012-13_corsoBioetica.pdf>
19. “Game Theory, Social Science, and Neurophisiology:
Brief History of a Fruitful Contamination of Ideas”, Game and Gambling:
History of Ideas / Ideengeschichte des Spiels / Gra I hazard: Historia idei,
Villa Decius (Cracow, Poland), 14-15 December 2012.
18. “Robot Ethical Codes: The Problematics of Human
Control”, RoboScope 2012: Robots for Special Operations – Applications,
Problems and Perspectives, Industrial Research Institute for Automation and
Measurements - PIAP Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów (Warsaw,
Poland), 28-29 November 2012. <http://www.piap.pl/DZIALALNOSC-NAUKOWA/Konferencje/Organizacja/RoboScope2012/RoboSCOPE>
17. “Tolerance: Metamorphoses and Implications
(Introduction) / Limits of Tolerance and Democracy”, Toleration and
Tolerance: Models, Metamorphoses and Implications. International Round Table
Conference, Villa Decius (Cracow, Poland), 18-20 October 2012. <http://tolerancjammi.blogspot.com/2012/10/toleration-and-tolerance-models.html>
16. “Il caso Moro: veritŕ ufficiale e misteri
irrisolti”, Introduzione al film ‘Il caso Moro’ di Giuseppe Ferrara, Istituto
Italiano di Cultura di Cracovia, 14 maggio 2012.
15. “Manifesto vs. Manifesto: The Italian Transhumanist
Manifesto”, Laboratory of the future Act 1: Regress Progress, Centrum
Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski (Warsaw, Poland), 30th June
2011. <http://csw.art.pl/index.php?action=wydarzenie&id=402&lang=eng>
14. “Kodeksy etyczne robotów: zagadnienie kontroli sprawowanej przez człowieka”, Fabryka inzynierów,
AGH – Widział Humanistyczny (Cracow, Poland), 14 December 2011. <http://www.iiccracovia.esteri.it/IIC_Cracovia/webform/SchedaEventoAltrove.aspx?id=49&citta=Cracovia
13. “The Transhumanist Movement: A Sociological
Overview”, TransVision 2010: The Transhumanist Conference and Community
Convention, Hotel dei Cavalieri – Sala Carmagnola (Milan, Italy), 22-24
October 2010. <http://transvision2010.wordpress.com/program/>
12. “Riflessioni sul Centenario del Futurismo”,
1909-2009 Futurismo Live. Centenario dei
Futuristi Contemporanei, Associazione Culturale Ferrara Video&Arte (col
patrocinio del Comune di Ferrara), Sala Estense, 20 febbraio 2009, Ferrara.
11. “Etyka nauki w czasie postmodernizmu”, Poskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne,
Institute of Sociology UJ, 31st January 2008.
10. “Transhumanism and the Freedom of Scientific
Research in the EU”, TransVision 2006: Emerging Technologies of Human
Enhancement, University of Helsinki Metsätalo Building (Helsinki, Finland),
17-19 August 2006. <http://transhumanismi.org/tv06/program.html>
09. “Serendipity”, Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego SGGW (Warsaw, Poland), 12
December 2003.
08. ”Gli anni di piombo”. Introduzione al film ‘La
meglio gioventů’ di Marco Tullio Giordana, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di
Cracovia, 5 December 2003.
07. “Futurologia: Przed nami Nowy Świat?”, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego SGGW
(Warsaw, Poland), 9 Maj 2003.
06. “2020: Will Robots still Need Us?”, Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i
Zarządzania WSPiZ, aula II (Warsaw, Poland), 8 Maj 2003.
05. “Why philosophy needs sociology”, University of
Zielona Góra, October 1999.
04. “Modern and Postmodern Sociology of science”, 2nd Summer
school for Theory of Knowledge IFiS PAN i
HESP – Open Society Institute, Central European University in Budapest (Mądralin,
Poland) 9-20 august1999.
03. “Robert K. Merton’s Sociology of Science”,
Institute of Sociology UMK, 1998.
02. “The Epistemological Relevance of Merton’s Sociology of
Science”. Institute of Philosophy UMK, 1997.
01. “The Place of Ludwik Fleck in Philosophical Debate”, 1st Summer
school for Theory of Knowledge IFiS PAN i
HESP – Open Society Institute, Central European University in Budapest (Mądralin,
Poland), August 1997.
Copyright 2004-2014 © Riccardo Campa